Our Blogs

  • Praying the Hours


    Throughout history, people of prayer have discovered that the practice of returning regularly to a prayer ritual or pattern has a powerful impact on the one who prays. For some, this has involved praying at set hours of the day, while for others this has looked like praying at certain intervals.

  • Finishing Well


    “Well done, good and faithful servant,” echoes in our hearts. We want to know that we were faithful to the end! Yet as we see so many who fall away and leave the faith, we must take this question very seriously: what does it take to finish well?

  • An Ethic of Listening


    In an era of non-listening, coercive manipulation becomes expedient. Even the church is tempted to resort to manipulation instead of offering the dignity of a listening ear. It takes maturity to listen with hope, love, and faith.

  • Thirty One Days of Delight


    We are invited to “delight yourself in the Lord,” but many Christians haven’t yet experienced God as actually “delightful.” Here are some helpful practices to experience more joy and peace than ever before.

  • Cyber Missional Pioneering


    The great missiologist Ralph Winter said that the future of missions was in the cities … while that is still true, we simply must acknowledge that a significant future aspect of missions is also online.

  • Essential Elements of Kingdom Movements


    What does it look like to make disciples of Jesus who actually go and reproduce more disciples? We need to think about the big picture, plant small seeds that can sprout trees and in turn create forests.

  • The Mechanics and Spirituality of Trust


    Many kingdom leaders get burnt and slowly clam up or lose the ability to keep trusting those around us. It is vital for church planters to consider how this issue of “trust” is influencing their life and relationships.

  • The Wisdom of the Peace Lily


    I am struck with the fact that what felt to me like caring less for this plant, was actually allowing it to grow best. This made me think about many lessons I have learned in the past couple of years in ministry.

  • The True Foundation for Our Rejoicing


    Ministry ambitions can cause you to lose your rejoicing. But Jesus wants you to find your rejoicing not in the doing of His work, but in His work for you: He has written you down on His heart!

  • Grativangelism: Gratitude Evangelism


    Gratitude and Evangelism: These words elicit very different responses for people. But imagine sharing good news of Jesus and His Kingdom from the perspective of deep gratitude.

  • 24 Hour Prayer: Fuel the Movement


    In the scriptures we see examples where Christ prayed through the night. Imagine the impact on the global kingdom movement if we had a 24 hour prayer room in every major city!